Isometric is a carbon registry on a mission to rebuild trust in carbon markets so carbon removal can scale—responsibly and fast—to the level the planet needs.
We issue scientifically rigorous carbon removal credits so companies can reliably meet their climate commitments.
Isometric's team is made up of experts that are all deeply committed to scaling carbon removal.
Eamon founded Isometric in 2022 to introduce trust into the carbon removal industry. He is an expert in creating trust-building infrastructure, having previously founded Onfido, a digital identity verification company that helps Fortune 100 companies prevent fraud. Under Eamon's leadership Onfido verified over 1 billion identities—and prevented over 40 million fraud attempts—before being acquired by Entrust for $650m.
As CEO of Isometric, Eamon is responsible for setting and overseeing execution of the company’s strategic plan.
Ellie was the VP People at Onfido where she helped scale the organization from 10 to 400 people. She is a certified Executive Coach (accredited by the International Coaching Organisation).
At Isometric, Ellie is responsible for overseeing human resources, including recruitment, training and employee onboarding.
Jen was most recently the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management at the Department of Energy and is the Presidential Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering and Energy Policy at the University of Pennsylvania. She has written and edited defining books on CDR (Carbon Capture, published in 2012, and CDR Primer, 2021) and is a leading voice in the scientific community.
At Isometric, Jen is responsible for ensuring that rigorous science underpins all of Isometric’s carbon crediting decisions and that the Protocols and Modules are in line with the Isometric Standard.
Lukas was previously Global Head of Expansion at Wise, which he expanded into dozens of new markets, including Japan, Singapore, and Canada. He also worked as a Senior Civil Servant in the UK Government from 2019 - 2023, leading international trade negotiations.
At Isometric, Lukas is responsible for leading the Expansion and Policy teams. This includes oversight of all commercial partnerships, as well as policy engagement and government relations.
Ola has over a decade of experience in senior engineering roles, including at VP-level, at Shopify, Onfido and Pollen. In 2014, Ola founded a non-profit focussed on technology education, with over 30,000 women participating from around the world.
At Isometric, Ola is responsible for leading our engineering team. This includes responsibility for setting and overseeing execution of the company’s technology roadmap.
Stacy was previously Head Of Sustainability at Shopify where she was responsible for building Shopify’s $55M+ CDR portfolio and was a founding member of Frontier. She also serves on the advisory boards of Carbon Removal Canada and Collaborative Fund, a venture capital firm. She has a background in environmental engineering and public policy, with 20 years of experience working at the intersection of science and regulation in both the private and public sectors.
At Isometric, Stacy is responsible for leading our science team. This includes ensuring that rigorous science underpins all of Isometric’s carbon crediting decisions and that the Protocols and Modules are in line with the Isometric Standard.
At Isometric, Aarthi is responsible for sourcing and onboarding buyers who want to use Isometric’s registry and verification services.
At Isometric, Alex is a Product Manager contributing to improvements on the Isometric Registry.
At Isometric, Alex is responsible for sourcing and onboarding new carbon removal suppliers on to the Isometric platform.
At Isometric, Cassie manages our relationships with independent VVBs, ensuring the verification process runs smoothly and efficiently.
At Isometric, Charlie is responsible for sourcing and onboarding buyers who want to use Isometric’s registry and verification services.
At Isometric, Charlotte is responsible for a range of company operations, in particular partnering with our external accountancy and legal firms in overseeing finance and legal processes, as well as developing the requisite employee onboarding processes.
At Isometric, Chris leads our Product team and is responsible for the development of the Isometric Registry and Certify platform, as well as working closely with suppliers and verifiers to conduct high quality verifications of carbon removal, on behalf of our customers.
At Isometric, Christie is a Product Manager contributing to improvements on the Isometric Registry.
At Isometric, Christopher is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on terrestrial biomass-based carbon removal methods, including Reforestation.
At Isometric, Clare supports the CEO directly in relation to all personnel and governance matters, including managing investor and board relations. She is also responsible for the Secretariat function for Board and Leadership meetings.
At Isometric, David is responsible for policy engagement and for sourcing and onboarding new carbon removal suppliers on to the Isometric platform.
At Isometric, David manages our relationships with independent VVBs, ensuring the verification process runs smoothly and efficiently.
At Isometric, Ed works as an engineer supporting the onboarding of buyers and suppliers onto the Isometric Platform.
At Isometric, Ella is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on mineralization.
At Isometric, Ella is responsible for sourcing and onboarding new carbon removal suppliers on to the Isometric platform.
At Isometric, Emily works as a full-stack engineer supporting the development and maintenance of the Isometric platform, including the Registry.
At Isometric, Emma is responsible for ensuring quality and robustness of LCA work within Protocol and Module development as well as the carbon crediting process overall.
At Isometric, Georgie works as a full-stack engineer supporting the development and maintenance of the Isometric platform, including the Registry.
At Isometric, Jay is responsible for ensuring quality and robustness of LCA work within Protocol and Module development as well as the carbon crediting process overall.
At Isometric, Jennifer is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on ocean-based carbon removal methods, including Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement.
At Isometric, Jing is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on ocean-based carbon removal methods, including Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement.
At Isometric, Jon works as a backend engineer, with a particular focus on the technical architecture of Isometric’s platform, including the Registry.
At Isometric, Junyuan works as a frontend engineer, with a particular focus on developing and maintaining the technical side of user interface on the Isometric platform, including the Registry.
At Isometric, Kate is responsible for sourcing and onboarding buyers who want to use Isometric’s registry and verification services.
At Isometric, Kevin is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on Enhanced Weathering.
At Isometric, Konrad works as a backend engineer, with a particular focus on the technical architecture of Isometric’s platform, including the Registry, as well as internal company tooling and technical processes.
At Isometric, Konstantina is responsible for the development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on BiRCS and Biomass Terrestrial Storage, including Biochar.
At Isometric, Lawrence works as a frontend engineer, with a particular focus on developing and maintaining the technical side of user interface on the Isometric platform, including the Registry.
At Isometric, Luke supports the CEO's office in relation to company operations.
At Isometric, Madi works as an engineer supporting the development and maintenance of the Isometric platform, including the Registry.
At Isometric, Mark has people management responsibility for several software engineers and oversees the day-to-day management of the technical roadmap.
At Isometric, Mark works as a backend engineer, with a particular focus on the technical architecture of Isometric’s platform, including the Registry.
At Isometric, Marya supports the day-to-day operations of the Science division, creating efficient processes and project managing new Protocol development.
At Isometric, Mil works as a full-stack engineer supporting the development and maintenance of the Isometric platform, including the Registry.
At Isometric, Murtz leads design work for the Isometric platform, ensuring a clear and accessible design across a range of products.
At Isometric, Neef worked as a full-stack software engineer for over 18 months before transitioning into an engineering manager and tech lead role, where he now leads a team focused on developing our carbon accounting tooling within the Certify platform.
At Isometric, Neil is responsible for sourcing and onboarding new carbon removal suppliers on to the Isometric platform, as well as contributing thought leadership on the development of the carbon removal industry.
At Isometric, Nick is responsible for marketing, communications and public relations.
At Isometric, Peteris works as an engineer supporting the development and maintenance of the Isometric platform, including the Registry.
At Isometric, Rebecca is responsible for sourcing and onboarding new carbon removal suppliers on to the Isometric platform.
At Isometric, Rhys is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on mining related carbon removal pathways.
At Isometric, Rish works as an engineer supporting the development and maintenance of the Isometric platform, including the Registry.
Ryan is a Partner at Lowercarbon Capital and leads the firm’s work in carbon removal. He is a member of the Isometric Board of Directors.
At Isometric, Sebastian is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on Direct Air Capture and Biogenic Carbon Capture and Storage.
At Isometric, Sophie is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on ocean-based carbon removal methods, including Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement.
At Isometric, Terrence works as an engineer supporting the development and maintenance of the Isometric platform, including the Registry.
At Isometric, Tomek works as a backend engineer, with a particular focus on the technical architecture of Isometric’s platform, including the Registry.
Each member of Isometric’s Leadership is responsible for a different Division within the organization. The Leadership team collectively decides on any business critical matters affecting more than one Division within the organization, for example setting the quarterly roadmap for the organization.
Eamon founded Isometric in 2022 to introduce trust into the carbon removal industry. He is an expert in creating trust-building infrastructure, having previously founded Onfido, a digital identity verification company that helps Fortune 100 companies prevent fraud. Under Eamon's leadership Onfido verified over 1 billion identities—and prevented over 40 million fraud attempts—before being acquired by Entrust for $650m.
As CEO of Isometric, Eamon is responsible for setting and overseeing execution of the company’s strategic plan.
Ellie was the VP People at Onfido where she helped scale the organization from 10 to 400 people. She is a certified Executive Coach (accredited by the International Coaching Organisation).
At Isometric, Ellie is responsible for overseeing human resources, including recruitment, training and employee onboarding.
Jen was most recently the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management at the Department of Energy and is the Presidential Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering and Energy Policy at the University of Pennsylvania. She has written and edited defining books on CDR (Carbon Capture, published in 2012, and CDR Primer, 2021) and is a leading voice in the scientific community.
At Isometric, Jen is responsible for ensuring that rigorous science underpins all of Isometric’s carbon crediting decisions and that the Protocols and Modules are in line with the Isometric Standard.
Lukas was previously Global Head of Expansion at Wise, which he expanded into dozens of new markets, including Japan, Singapore, and Canada. He also worked as a Senior Civil Servant in the UK Government from 2019 - 2023, leading international trade negotiations.
At Isometric, Lukas is responsible for leading the Expansion and Policy teams. This includes oversight of all commercial partnerships, as well as policy engagement and government relations.
Ola has over a decade of experience in senior engineering roles, including at VP-level, at Shopify, Onfido and Pollen. In 2014, Ola founded a non-profit focussed on technology education, with over 30,000 women participating from around the world.
At Isometric, Ola is responsible for leading our engineering team. This includes responsibility for setting and overseeing execution of the company’s technology roadmap.
Stacy was previously Head Of Sustainability at Shopify where she was responsible for building Shopify’s $55M+ CDR portfolio and was a founding member of Frontier. She also serves on the advisory boards of Carbon Removal Canada and Collaborative Fund, a venture capital firm. She has a background in environmental engineering and public policy, with 20 years of experience working at the intersection of science and regulation in both the private and public sectors.
At Isometric, Stacy is responsible for leading our science team. This includes ensuring that rigorous science underpins all of Isometric’s carbon crediting decisions and that the Protocols and Modules are in line with the Isometric Standard.
The Isometric Board holds responsibility for the overall strategy for the organization, as well as appointments to the organization’s Leadership and the approval of annual accounts. The particular statutes and by-laws related to Isometric’s governance are set out in the Articles of Association, which are publicly available on the Companies House website.
Eamon founded Isometric in 2022 to introduce trust into the carbon removal industry. He is an expert in creating trust-building infrastructure, having previously founded Onfido, a digital identity verification company that helps Fortune 100 companies prevent fraud. Under Eamon's leadership Onfido verified over 1 billion identities—and prevented over 40 million fraud attempts—before being acquired by Entrust for $650m.
As CEO of Isometric, Eamon is responsible for setting and overseeing execution of the company’s strategic plan.
The Science Division is responsible for developing and maintaining Isometric Protocols and Modules, and ensuring that scientific rigor is embedded in all aspects of the carbon crediting process, including responsibility for engagement with the Science Network and wider scientific community. It also ensures that Protocols and Modules comply with the Isometric Standard and represent best available science.
Jen was most recently the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management at the Department of Energy and is the Presidential Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering and Energy Policy at the University of Pennsylvania. She has written and edited defining books on CDR (Carbon Capture, published in 2012, and CDR Primer, 2021) and is a leading voice in the scientific community.
At Isometric, Jen is responsible for ensuring that rigorous science underpins all of Isometric’s carbon crediting decisions and that the Protocols and Modules are in line with the Isometric Standard.
Stacy was previously Head Of Sustainability at Shopify where she was responsible for building Shopify’s $55M+ CDR portfolio and was a founding member of Frontier. She also serves on the advisory boards of Carbon Removal Canada and Collaborative Fund, a venture capital firm. She has a background in environmental engineering and public policy, with 20 years of experience working at the intersection of science and regulation in both the private and public sectors.
At Isometric, Stacy is responsible for leading our science team. This includes ensuring that rigorous science underpins all of Isometric’s carbon crediting decisions and that the Protocols and Modules are in line with the Isometric Standard.
At Isometric, Christopher is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on terrestrial biomass-based carbon removal methods, including Reforestation.
At Isometric, Ella is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on mineralization.
At Isometric, Emma is responsible for ensuring quality and robustness of LCA work within Protocol and Module development as well as the carbon crediting process overall.
At Isometric, Jay is responsible for ensuring quality and robustness of LCA work within Protocol and Module development as well as the carbon crediting process overall.
At Isometric, Jennifer is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on ocean-based carbon removal methods, including Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement.
At Isometric, Jing is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on ocean-based carbon removal methods, including Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement.
At Isometric, Kevin is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on Enhanced Weathering.
At Isometric, Konstantina is responsible for the development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on BiRCS and Biomass Terrestrial Storage, including Biochar.
At Isometric, Marya supports the day-to-day operations of the Science division, creating efficient processes and project managing new Protocol development.
At Isometric, Rhys is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on mining related carbon removal pathways.
At Isometric, Sebastian is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on Direct Air Capture and Biogenic Carbon Capture and Storage.
At Isometric, Sophie is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on ocean-based carbon removal methods, including Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement.
The Technology Division is responsible for ensuring the Isometric platform executes against our technical roadmap, so that the Isometric platform (including the Registry) meets the needs and requirements of buyers, suppliers and other relevant stakeholders (including the scientific community).
Ola has over a decade of experience in senior engineering roles, including at VP-level, at Shopify, Onfido and Pollen. In 2014, Ola founded a non-profit focussed on technology education, with over 30,000 women participating from around the world.
At Isometric, Ola is responsible for leading our engineering team. This includes responsibility for setting and overseeing execution of the company’s technology roadmap.
At Isometric, Alex is a Product Manager contributing to improvements on the Isometric Registry.
At Isometric, Cassie manages our relationships with independent VVBs, ensuring the verification process runs smoothly and efficiently.
At Isometric, Chris leads our Product team and is responsible for the development of the Isometric Registry and Certify platform, as well as working closely with suppliers and verifiers to conduct high quality verifications of carbon removal, on behalf of our customers.
At Isometric, Christie is a Product Manager contributing to improvements on the Isometric Registry.
At Isometric, David manages our relationships with independent VVBs, ensuring the verification process runs smoothly and efficiently.
At Isometric, Ed works as an engineer supporting the onboarding of buyers and suppliers onto the Isometric Platform.
At Isometric, Emily works as a full-stack engineer supporting the development and maintenance of the Isometric platform, including the Registry.
At Isometric, Georgie works as a full-stack engineer supporting the development and maintenance of the Isometric platform, including the Registry.
At Isometric, Jon works as a backend engineer, with a particular focus on the technical architecture of Isometric’s platform, including the Registry.
At Isometric, Junyuan works as a frontend engineer, with a particular focus on developing and maintaining the technical side of user interface on the Isometric platform, including the Registry.
At Isometric, Konrad works as a backend engineer, with a particular focus on the technical architecture of Isometric’s platform, including the Registry, as well as internal company tooling and technical processes.
At Isometric, Lawrence works as a frontend engineer, with a particular focus on developing and maintaining the technical side of user interface on the Isometric platform, including the Registry.
At Isometric, Madi works as an engineer supporting the development and maintenance of the Isometric platform, including the Registry.
At Isometric, Mark has people management responsibility for several software engineers and oversees the day-to-day management of the technical roadmap.
At Isometric, Mark works as a backend engineer, with a particular focus on the technical architecture of Isometric’s platform, including the Registry.
At Isometric, Mil works as a full-stack engineer supporting the development and maintenance of the Isometric platform, including the Registry.
At Isometric, Murtz leads design work for the Isometric platform, ensuring a clear and accessible design across a range of products.
At Isometric, Neef worked as a full-stack software engineer for over 18 months before transitioning into an engineering manager and tech lead role, where he now leads a team focused on developing our carbon accounting tooling within the Certify platform.
At Isometric, Peteris works as an engineer supporting the development and maintenance of the Isometric platform, including the Registry.
At Isometric, Rish works as an engineer supporting the development and maintenance of the Isometric platform, including the Registry.
At Isometric, Terrence works as an engineer supporting the development and maintenance of the Isometric platform, including the Registry.
At Isometric, Tomek works as a backend engineer, with a particular focus on the technical architecture of Isometric’s platform, including the Registry.
The Growth Division encompasses all commercial activities at Isometric, including negotiation of contracts with buyers and suppliers. It is also responsible for the communications and marketing functions of the organization, as well as policy engagement and government relations.
Lukas was previously Global Head of Expansion at Wise, which he expanded into dozens of new markets, including Japan, Singapore, and Canada. He also worked as a Senior Civil Servant in the UK Government from 2019 - 2023, leading international trade negotiations.
At Isometric, Lukas is responsible for leading the Expansion and Policy teams. This includes oversight of all commercial partnerships, as well as policy engagement and government relations.
At Isometric, Aarthi is responsible for sourcing and onboarding buyers who want to use Isometric’s registry and verification services.
At Isometric, Alex is responsible for sourcing and onboarding new carbon removal suppliers on to the Isometric platform.
At Isometric, Charlie is responsible for sourcing and onboarding buyers who want to use Isometric’s registry and verification services.
At Isometric, David is responsible for policy engagement and for sourcing and onboarding new carbon removal suppliers on to the Isometric platform.
At Isometric, Ella is responsible for sourcing and onboarding new carbon removal suppliers on to the Isometric platform.
At Isometric, Kate is responsible for sourcing and onboarding buyers who want to use Isometric’s registry and verification services.
At Isometric, Neil is responsible for sourcing and onboarding new carbon removal suppliers on to the Isometric platform, as well as contributing thought leadership on the development of the carbon removal industry.
At Isometric, Nick is responsible for marketing, communications and public relations.
The Operations Division manages and oversees a range of day-to-day activities and processes at Isometric, including personnel, legal and financial functions.
Ellie was the VP People at Onfido where she helped scale the organization from 10 to 400 people. She is a certified Executive Coach (accredited by the International Coaching Organisation).
At Isometric, Ellie is responsible for overseeing human resources, including recruitment, training and employee onboarding.
At Isometric, Charlotte is responsible for a range of company operations, in particular partnering with our external accountancy and legal firms in overseeing finance and legal processes, as well as developing the requisite employee onboarding processes.
At Isometric, Clare supports the CEO directly in relation to all personnel and governance matters, including managing investor and board relations. She is also responsible for the Secretariat function for Board and Leadership meetings.
At Isometric, Luke supports the CEO's office in relation to company operations.
Alongside our internal team, Isometric is building an engaged, diverse community of 300+ climate scientists and industry leaders. This group of experts plays a pivotal role in reviewing Isometric’s protocols and accelerating carbon removal science.
Click below to learn more about joining this group.