Isometric's new report “Monitoring, reporting and verifying carbon removal” outlines principles for rigorous MRV. Read more.

March 21, 2024

ICROA accreditation is another step forward for high quality carbon credits

Isometric approved under newest, most stringent standards

Lukas May OBE
Chief Commercial Officer

Isometric recently received conditional endorsement by ICROA as an accredited carbon crediting program. Isometric is the first registry to receive endorsement against the newest version of ICROA’s guidelines. These guidelines were recently updated with more stringent requirements, including things like management of conflicts of interest and transparency.

ICROA is an industry accreditation programme committed to enhancing integrity in the voluntary carbon market. Approved organizations are subject to an annual independent audit to assure compliance to the ICROA Code of Best Practice.

Isometric’s application was completed quickly and efficiently because Isometric only issues credits that are scientifically rigorous, fully verified, and transparent. Our business model is also designed to remove conflicts of interest that have plagued the traditional carbon market. This is detailed in the Isometric Standard, which is the world’s most rigorous set of rules for carbon removal.

Companies with climate commitments require durable, credible, and verifiable carbon credits. ICROA accreditation is another sign for buyers that Isometric’s carbon credits are the highest quality in the market.

This is Isometric’s latest step towards creating trust in carbon markets—a crucial part of helping carbon removal scale to the level that the planet needs and what Isometric was founded to do.

Image from Unsplash