Isometric's new report “Monitoring, reporting and verifying carbon removal” outlines principles for rigorous MRV. Read more.

January 24, 2024

Isometric workshop to advance Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement Protocol

Workshop at Ocean Sciences Meeting follows productive collaboration at American Geophysical Union Conference

Jonathan Lambert, Ph.D.
Science Communications Manager

Isometric develops protocols that meet the world’s most stringent rules for carbon dioxide removal (CDR). This ensures that any carbon credit issued against these protocols represents a genuine tonne of additional carbon dioxide permanently removed from the atmosphere.

Every protocol is developed in close collaboration with our in-house Science Team, our independent network of over 200 scientists, and subject matter experts from CDR suppliers, non-profit organizations, academic insitutions, and more. These collaborations are key to strengthening all final protocols.

Isometric regularly seeks to facilitate in-person, cross-sector collaboration through protocol workshops. During the 25,000-person American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in San Francisco in December 2023, Isometric hosted a consensus-building workshop for our monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) protocol for enhanced weathering (EW) in agriculture.

Attendees included scientists and subject matter experts from EW project developers, academic institutions, government organizations, and environmental non-profits. Bringing these diverse stakeholders together led to EW protocol improvements from the standpoint of both operational feasibility and scientific rigor. The current version of this EW protocol will be published soon.

Following this model, Isometric will debut the first version of an MRV protocol for Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement (OAE) at the 2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting in New Orleans and host a similar consensus-building workshop. We are once again welcoming scientists and subject matter experts from throughout the OAE space to participate—with the goal of advancing the implementability and rigor of MRV strategies in an OAE protocol.

A few spots remain, so interested parties should apply via this short form by Friday, February 2nd, 2024.

Isometric will continue to pursue a model of in-person collaboration for advancing protocols at upcoming conferences such as the European Geosciences Union General Assembly (April 2024—Vienna, Austria) and the Goldschmidt Conference (August 2024—Chicago, Illinois).

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