Isometric's new report “Monitoring, reporting and verifying carbon removal” outlines principles for rigorous MRV. Read more.

July 10, 2023

Open to collaboration

Advancing carbon removal science through engagement with an expert network

Jing He, Ph.D.
Carbon Removal Scientist

Our philosophy on scientific collaboration

At Isometric, we believe in the critical importance of engaging with experts from across the entire carbon dioxide removal (CDR) ecosystem. Our team includes a large and growing number of full-time carbon removal scientists, but the best science isn’t done in isolation. We recognize that great science happens in many places—industry, academia, nonprofits and more—and we look to bring all those minds together in one place to collaborate.

How can you work with us on CDR science?

Apply to join our Science Network. Becoming a member of our Network does not require any exclusivity or non-competes and opens up the following opportunities:

  1. Accessing data early: Entry into the Network grants scientists early access to approved supplier data, draft protocols and workshops hosted by Isometric.
  1. Interacting with protocols: Scientists in the Network can interact directly with protocols and post comments to inform how removals are quantified. To support robust scientific review, potential conflicts of interest will be tracked and made transparent.
  1. Reviewing protocols: Once you’re part of the Isometric Science Network, our internal science team may ask if you are willing to provide an in-depth review of a protocol for CDR quantification. Protocol reviews, which are analogous to academic peer-review, are a critical element of setting a high bar for scientific rigor in the CDR ecosystem. We match scientists with protocols based on relevant expertise and we offer reviewers an honorarium for their work.
  1. Consulting for us: We offer scientists consulting opportunities ranging from one week to multi-month projects suitable for faculty summer pay or sabbaticals. These projects are opportunities to work with our internal science team on addressing challenging CDR problems and they may lead to academic publications. We pay our consultants a generous hourly rate based on their experience
  1. Collaborating with our internal science team on proposals: We are excited to support fundamental research that will address key knowledge gaps and advance high-quality measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) for CDR. We collaborate closely with research partners and often offer cost sharing in proposals.
  1. Collaborating with our internal science team on existing projects: You’re welcome to reach out directly to Isometric scientists for potential collaborations on your projects. Isometric’s internal Science Team dedicates time to external collaborations, fully paid for by Isometric. We build in this time to contribute our expertise to the broader climate community—in line with our mission to ensure the transition to carbon removal happens responsibly and fast.

If you’re interested in learning more about science at Isometric, want to join us full time, or have any further questions about how we approach scientific collaboration, please reach out to us at

Cover image by United States Geological Survey